The MCA aims to have its doors open each weekend throughout the year, especially when we have Gallery Shows on exhibit. The target hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4PM. Our small Board of Directors puts a lot of time and effort into keeping the organization running and the calendar busy, and we aren't always available to also Gallery sit. That's where community volunteers can be a HUGE asset in supporting the programming.
Gallery sitting is pretty easy: unlock the door, put out the open sign, and greet visitors. We have a step-by-step guide on site for any sales that may take place if the current show has items for purchase, but it's a fairly hands-off, user friendly process. And if you're not available for a full afternoon, we do offer 2-hour shifts to accommodate your schedule.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can sign up online at This is also a great opportunity for any students needing community service hours, so let your teens know, too!
We hope you can join us to help keep the doors open year-round for community access.