The two-year long MCA Exterior Restoration Project has entered its Final Phase of work! At this very moment, Vermont Window Restoration (VWR) is reinstalling the magnificently restored windows of the building complete with rebuilt sashes, sills, and grilles and with expertly restored panes. We were amazed to see how completely VWR was able to preserve the existing severely damaged glass panes and reuse them to create a more consistent pattern in the layout, mimicking the original style and grid but with much more significant consistency and complete panes. The Main Gallery windows now are bright and strong and the center panels have beautiful clear glass to allow natural light and sight-line from the outside. The Basement windows are clean and sharp, and as the ground floor feature on 3 sides of the building now are a proud attribute of the pedestrian level perception of the building as opposed to their previous dismal and weather-beaten condition.
We can almost say the work is done, but for the last details of stripping and repainting the window frames; the completion of which will culminate this ambitious and drawn-out process of rejuvenating the facade and exterior features of our iconic building. Due to some miscommunication between our contractors, the Board of Directors, and the Preservation Team, this final detail was never accounted for, and so with the revealing of the restored windows, we turn our attention and our fundraising to the completion of this last detail. The budget for the work is nominal in the grand scheme of this near $100,000 project, so we hope you will consider giving one last fiscal donation to this worthy cause so that by the end of this Fall season, we can all dust off our hands, put away our paint brushes and tools, and step back to appreciate the elegant and properly restored exterior of this totem of Montgomery! (CLICK TO DONATE)
Your support thus far has been so essential and appreciated in the progress of this project and the Board hopes the community knows how the restoration of this building is for us a nod to the rich history, sense of community, and unique character of the little town of Montgomery, Vermont!
